Sha Booya

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Left Behind

A new left behind series has begun. That is, me being left behind by dad so he can go to the feast and leave mom and me behind in this high heat crock pot. So let's see...I think college is becoming a reality now. Midterms draw nigh, papers are due next week and my speech is on the day after the tests. I will conquer! Rats, I just had to look up conquer in the dictionary. I hate when I forget how to spell. So yes! Conquer I will.
I have a pic of the student center which is not that exciting. I brought my camera to school Friday to take some pics and this is as far as I got. I kinda forgot to keep taking pictures when an ambulance arrived and I got distracted. I still don't know what that was all about.
Nothing really exciting happened, it was just simply a good week. Tuesday nurses were at school all day sucking the bloood out of us all (blood donation if that wasn't clear). Well not me, and one of my excuses is that I was just getting over being sick.
But it was fun, being a competition of which society will give the most blood. Being the smallest society we didn't win. Thursday stated out fun because I had golf and no one showed up! It was a little drizzly because of the hurricane so it was just me and my friend Jane, who persisted on me picking her up and driving her to class. Sure it's not like it's that out of the way or anything. So we got the instructor all to ourselves, watching our every move. Which is fine because the golf competitions are coming up.
Thursday night I was at school because our teacher was having a bible review for the test coming up and afterwards I found out about devotions that apparently happen every Thurs night. Huh, wish I knew this before (off campus students always get left out). So I decided to stay for that and I was rather impressed. We sung for the first half hour and then a student gave a message about how we're all sinners. Boy, they sure do concentrate on the bad, but I suppose some students needed to hear it seeing their reaction of tearing up and such. It actually reminded me of well, me a few years ago. Alot of those kids have come from some bad places in their lives and are wanting to escape the old life by coming to this college. So it's encouraging to see their response.
Speaking of sermonettes, my public speaking teacher asked if anyone in the room has ever spoken from the pulpit. Oh dear I thought should I raise my hand or not? Well a few guys raised their hand and I then proudly raised my hand too. Ha, he looks at me and says, "Really?" "Well sort of.". I wish I could of explained myself because the school doesn't encourage the fact of women praying in public (or leading prayer, I'm not sure) and especially not speaking at the pulpit! So now to all in the room I'm a fire-breathing feminist preaher. O'well could be worse I guess.
Happy Feast to you all. Which reminds me, in class we have been learning about the feasts and although to others in the room Passover, First Fruits and Ingathering are just names of old history, to me it's been something much more. As the professor writes the names of the feasts on the board God hasn't let me forget about the fruitful 3 years of feasts that I experienced and that I can still part take of it right here, home or class, and right now.

Friday, September 16, 2005

These are a few of my favorite things

How sad that all my peoples are back in bible school and I'm not there with them. The blogging and IMing now come to a halt. To cheer me up I'll write a few of my recent favorite things in life.
* Cold sweet iced tea
* Picking out tile to lay in the kitchen to match the freshly painted walls
* Singing unfamiliar hymns in chapel while everyone else around me sounds like Josh Groban's and Charolette Church's
* Golf
* Looking at all the posters in class of the Sea of Galiee, Garden of Gethsemane and the panoramic shot of Jerusalem and thinking, "I've been to all those places"
* Knowing quite a bit about the twelve tribes when everyone else in the room seem a little lost
* Being the last group to finish science lab, everytime
* Doing my research paper on great white sharks
* Plugging in a just bought wall flower air freshener
* Going to Arete meeting and being completely lost in their lil' group cheer, "Arete, smartay, always winning, always grinning, always having fun! GOOOOOOO RIVER RATS!" (??)
* Last but certainly not least hanging with my mom and recently writing down some of her quotes....
It all started with this one. "Do you think you can look under my bed to see if you can find any peanut butter?"
It was a great laugh getting on my hands and knees to look under the bed for some lost groceries. We were actually collecting different canned foods to donate to the victims of Katrina and mom thought that they would of course want some peanut butter.
"Maybe...they went....somewhere." This is the answer I get when I ask her where she thinks my aunt and uncle could be when my cousin was trying to get a hold of them. Yeah thanks, real helpful.
"Think I could sell my teeth?" Mom asked me this as we were pulling up into the parking space in front of the pawn shop.
"My nose feels like a sand pit." This just happened today. She was rubbing her nose inspecting it because she recently got skin cancer cut off of her nose.
"Come to your little mama Bobby Lou." Apparently the son that i'm going to have is named Bobby Lou. She said this out of the blue as we discussed the huge house i'm going to own and she is going to be over there all the time baby sitting my kids, and the favorite grandson, Bobby Lou.
Well this is all I got for the moment. And I realize that these might not make any sense to those of you who don't know my mom at all. But I know a few of you know where I'm going with this. Happy Sabbath!!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

slowly but surely

First of all, this pic has nothing to do with anything. I just felt like putting a pic here to add interest. I thought was cute that this frog is always hanging out with this metal frog, thinking of it as his own protector.
So lately I've been a little down and out because the biggest point of going to college here was for the christian fellowship. To start life after bible school afresh and anew haveing some companion fellow believers by my side. Well, it just didn't seem to be happening that way. The first day with orientation I knew this might not come so easy. Everyone is all buddy buddy with their room mates and dorm neighbors. The instant I say to someone I'm off campus they just turn around and start walking away! They want nothing to do with an outsider. Even my parking spot is so far away because I don't stay in a dorm. And the white, so cheery, so young. Alright, so it's not the end of the world.
There is good news. Last week after Labor day I finally started to get to know a few girls. One is in my golf class and she needed a ride back to school so I got to know her a little. Then I was talking to this girl in 2 of my classes more and more and she brought me to her dorm room. Yay! first time in the dorms! Then I find out that her roommate is the one who sits next to me in chapel (asigned seating). Then the girl from my golf class I just wrote about comes in the room. I then find out that she is the roommate of the girl i've been talking to in my eng. and bible class. Ok one very first friend that I met at orientation was lost forever. I was always looking for her but I never saw her. Well bible class gets out and there she is coming out the other door. She was in my bible class that whole time! She was looking for me too she said, but unfortunely I changed my shirt. Ha ha, get it? Then she invited me to her dorm room. Yes 2 visits in the same week. THEN it turns out that all these girls are in the same Arete club as me. Coincidence? I think not. God is just so good at putting the pieces all together way before you even have the slightest clue about anything. Here I thought I was an old college freshman doomed to eternal lonliness, but thankfully he had other plans. So slowly BUT SURELY I'm meeting some nice people.
I don't know if anyone else does this. But after leaving bible school I'm trying to find my new Mel, my new KJ, my new BJ and so forth. Well I've only found one. My new BJ! During our softball game she was guiding me where to stand and what to do. She has this great sense of humor and she is just all around cool like B :p So one down and 7 to go.
Oh and I went to the "talent show" tonight with Amber. It was pretty good despite some accidents. Once these boys were on the stage doing stunts with their bike and skateboard and one boy was break dancing in the back ground. Well they decide to be cool and all jump and bike off the front of the stage. Well the guy on the bike jumps down and wacks this old guy sitting in the audience and then he tries to play it off spinning his bike around and just ends up almost hitting the man in the face with his back tire. Yeah, real talented.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Arete-greek for virture? or something like that. Well Arete is the society I'm in. There are like 5 or 6 different societies and I picked this one because I heard that they weren't the very athletic ones, haha. Well the different societies play against each other in sports. Today was our first game! We played softball against Phi Beta. They won, no surprise, 5 to 1. I struck out very gracefully if I may say so myself. But it was really exciting because I've never been in a club or team before that competes against other teams.
CREST- Christian research explorers in science something something something. Yeah uh...this is the other club i'm in. I'm only in it because I'll get extra credit in biology. I should also be in the WTO something club that's meeting tonight, but I think I'm all clubbed out. This is the women only club that does devotions, has guest speakers come in and even teaches how to make communion bread. wooo!
Ok I feel way to distacted to write anything else. Have a good day everyone!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Minister Joe Wright

This is an e-mail I got today that's being passed around school. This prayer was given by Minister Joe Wright in Kansas at the opening session of their Senate.

"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!"

"The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding negatively. The church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer from India , Africa and Korea. "

Friday, September 02, 2005

Isn't this the cutest little pineapple ever?? It popped up in our front yard. I have the envelope next to it just to show you how small it is.