My day, week, life...whatever
My korean friend, that speaks Russian, from Uzbekistan in our golf class.

Hallway is done! Hurrah. I just need to jazz it up with some artwork or photographs. Same with the poor bare kitchen walls. Well I had a pretty good Sabbath. As you may have read my woes of my past post about doing community service today. I really didn't stay that long so it wasn't bad at all. It was actually a little fun, not the getting up at 7am part. So it was at the fire station
and they were having open house. They do this every year and kids come and learn about fire safety. I was mostly stationed at the ladder. I just encouraged them up the ladder and made sure they did fall to their doom. Thankfully no one got hurt. And the ladder really wasn't the popular activity of the day. The popular one was the "burning" barn and the kids had to put it out with a real fire hose to save the piggy and the cow. Awesome. I was telling the arete president guy that I was going to leave and people were all like "go to the phoneathon and steal some seats". Ugh. I was kinda mad. Don't these people know that they already took my day of rest from me, and now they are trying to get me to do more work?? Well they didn't know, so I forgive them.
I was going to play some golf, but it was too hot and crowded. So I went to the park instead with a friend. Yay! I found someone who will tune my guitar. Oh, there's a fun story. I'm totally afraid to tune my guitar ever again. The last time I did it, 2 summers ago, the string snapped on me and wacked me in my glasses and slit my wrist. So yeah, now I just can't do it. It's really sad. I just need to get over my fear. Now I occasionally have my cousin or some random person tune it for me.
Alright, can't think anymore...

Hallway is done! Hurrah. I just need to jazz it up with some artwork or photographs. Same with the poor bare kitchen walls. Well I had a pretty good Sabbath. As you may have read my woes of my past post about doing community service today. I really didn't stay that long so it wasn't bad at all. It was actually a little fun, not the getting up at 7am part. So it was at the fire station
and they were having open house. They do this every year and kids come and learn about fire safety. I was mostly stationed at the ladder. I just encouraged them up the ladder and made sure they did fall to their doom. Thankfully no one got hurt. And the ladder really wasn't the popular activity of the day. The popular one was the "burning" barn and the kids had to put it out with a real fire hose to save the piggy and the cow. Awesome. I was telling the arete president guy that I was going to leave and people were all like "go to the phoneathon and steal some seats". Ugh. I was kinda mad. Don't these people know that they already took my day of rest from me, and now they are trying to get me to do more work?? Well they didn't know, so I forgive them.
I was going to play some golf, but it was too hot and crowded. So I went to the park instead with a friend. Yay! I found someone who will tune my guitar. Oh, there's a fun story. I'm totally afraid to tune my guitar ever again. The last time I did it, 2 summers ago, the string snapped on me and wacked me in my glasses and slit my wrist. So yeah, now I just can't do it. It's really sad. I just need to get over my fear. Now I occasionally have my cousin or some random person tune it for me.
Alright, can't think anymore...
At 12:55 PM ,
melrandall said...
Here I am to comment! Even though I am no longer really sick! I'm glad your community service went well; I think you'd make a killer fireperson. And I'm sorry about your lingering guitar-string terror... I think I experienced some of it on a smaller scale a while back when Amy was trying to teach me how to make balloon animals. Maybe you can practice by wearing full body armor for a while.
At 4:45 PM ,
lis said...
Yeah, sacrificing a Sabbath is not fun! You have my sympathies, but glad you got away before the end of it.
I miss you, Shannon! Fairwood is just not the same without your wicked little chuckle.
At 7:07 PM ,
Shay Dawg said...
wicked little chuckle? What does that mean? I didn't know I had a wicked little chuckle =)
At 8:04 PM ,
Booker said...
And yet another horrible way to end a life!
My goodness, the sick things you come up with, lol...
At 1:34 AM ,
Marie said...
did kids fall off the ladder? Reread that part...
Have a good weeks:) I wanna see your house sometime:) Check our of our internet business stores, they have TONS of awesome prints... if there's any you're interested in let me know..we can talk if you are...or email me : )
At 7:23 PM ,
CKS said...
Yay, Lisa, way to make the kids fall to their doom. I bet you were really good at it. Did you push them or trip them?
At 9:46 PM ,
Shay Dawg said...
lol, oh man I'm so awesome! Yes, I push kids off the ladder to their doom!! Wow, haha, so sometimes I write did when I mean to write didn't. I like children, I really do!
At 9:47 PM ,
Shay Dawg said...
LOL...still laughing! how did I miss that?
At 9:51 PM ,
Shay Dawg said...
oh man..the tears are rolling. I was wondering what Ryu meant by me being evil and Lis saying I had a wicked little chuckle. LOL..
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