Little House of Horrors

This one goes out to you people of the north, when visiting Florida, are fasinated by lizards and point out every single one you see. You know who you are!
Can anyone take a guess of what happened to this poor lizard? It would be interesting to know if you were able to tell by the picture or not. Well I was going out to the garage to do some laundry and I looked by the door and saw a not so beautiful siloette of a flattened little foot sticking out. Oh no, I thought. I looked on the other side of the door and this is what I saw. It made me laugh out loud. It's just the funniest little sight ever. Somehow this lizard got stuck in between the door and when someone shut it, squish. Flat as a pancake.
This really isn't anything new. We find little sights of horror every once in a while in this house. I won't go into all of them, but my poor little pets. I had so many pets growing up. I went through a phrase where I had parakeet after parakeet. Sometimes 2 at a time.
Right before my first day of 8th grade my friend and I came back to my house and I heard a horrible squaking. I knew what that meant. It meant that the cat got into my room and was attacking my birds. My heart started racing as I ran to my room dreading what I was going to find. Well one of my birds was pinned in the corner by my cat with it's tail feathers all ripped off. I turned around and my favorite parakeet, Beethoven, was eaten. All that was left of him was his head, lying right in the middle of the hallway. Oooh the horror! I ran outside screaming at my cat. I mourned that whole day.
I don't ususally find bird heads lying around, but you get the idea. All the critters in the yard and in the neighborhood know, that blazed on top of the front door, "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here."
At 7:01 PM ,
melrandall said...
Oh my... you and your horrible pet stories... I'm sorry I laughed when you first told me the one about your birds; it's so utterly traumatic, but also something like that would just only happen to you. And I could just picture that poor pathetic little lizard hand, reaching for help...
Perhaps you shouldn't get a pet turrrtle after all.
At 8:24 PM ,
Booker said...
First, I'm am valiantly trying to feel sympathy for you concerning your birds. *feels very sad*
Second, I am laughing my head off, pun intended! :) And the lizard, that is just too cool! LOL...
At 6:11 PM ,
Claire said...
AWESOME STORIES! I read most of it aloud to Nate and Pen and Brad...great hilarity. I LOVE your blog.
At 7:00 PM ,
maldrich said...
I that happen with a lizard on my bedroom door in Puerto Rico. Pretty scary sight when you first see it all dried and squished with blood running down the door!
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