Sha Booya

Monday, August 22, 2005

Oh yeah

I was just reading Sara's blog and forgot all about the Andrew Card guy. So that was cool. Andrew Card who works with the president. He was the guy who wispered to the president on 9/11 that something bad had happened as Bush was talking to the elementary school children. He has house just a few houses away from the camp. Everytime we drove buy the security people would always eyeball us and my dad would endlessly mimick what they were probably saying to each other, such as, "Hold your fire, I think they'rel just passing through". One day we sat on the porch spying on them with our binoculars. It was a funny sight. Here the body guard guys were standing on their own boat, arms crossed, watching the family intensely as they raced around the lake tubing, having a wonderful time laughing and talking. I think I saw Andrew Card flip over into the water. How cool is that??